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Special Events

The Pakistan Property Directory has a vast data base of special events that have a high Pakistani community attendance, Our strategic marketing approach involves partnering with popular events such as Asian Mela’s, Independence Day celebrations, Eid events, and other special occasions.

By offering sponsorship at these events or participating on behalf of your company, your company and projects can gain significant exposure among the target audience. This sponsorship entails various benefits, including prominent branding at the event, endorsement of the event, promotional materials, and recognition as supporters of the community.

Additionally, we also set up and run promotional stands at these significant events. These stands can serve as information hubs, showcasing the projects and properties offered by your company. This will allow potential buyers and investors to interact with representatives, learn about current offerings, and establish connections. Moreover, this strategic approach can lead to the creation of mature leads.

Attendees of these events who visit the promotional stands are likely to have a genuine interest in the property market. Their engagement provides an opportunity to collect contact information and follow up with tailored marketing efforts, ultimately turning these leads into potential customers.

■ Pakistan Independence Day

■ Asian Mela’s

■ Sporting Events

■ Religious Events

■ Eid Events

■ Pakistan National Day



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